Beach house style ale with cranberry, Peach, and lemon juices added

ABV: 6.0%

Gravity: 14 dP

IBUs: 10

Malts: Pils, Flaked Wheat, Dextrin

Hops: Nugget, Cascade

Secret Ingredients: Cranberry, Peach, and Lemon juices

Available Summertime


beer for BEACHES

Tasting Notes

All the fruit notes of the classic Sex on the Beach cocktail without the alcoholic bite or huge amount of sugar to cover it up. A heavy cranberry juice addition lends a lovely peach hue and a complex acidity. While the peach creates the illusion of sweetness to round out the acidity and farmhouse ale base beer.

Secret Technique

Inspired by the Sex On the Beach cocktail, we essentially substitute farmhouse ale, aromatically hopped with Cascade, for orange juice and then re-fermented the beer with cranberry concentrate plus peach and lemon purees, while saving the vodka for ourselves.


Pils, Flaked Wheat, and Dextrin malts, Nugget and Cascade hops, Cranberry, Peach, and Lemon juices, Immature jokes
