
ABV: 9.5%

Gravity: 22 dP

IBUs: 31

Malts: Pale, Dark Munich, CaraCrystal Wheat, Rye Malt, Flaked Rye, Chocolate, Smoked Smoked malt

Hops: Nugget

Secret Ingredients: Honey, Molasses, Juniper Berries, House-Smoked Malt

Available Election Season


class war

Tasting Notes

Gotlandsdricka is the indigenous ale of Gotlands - Sweden’s largest island. A dark winter sipper wafting dark chocolate aromas and rose smoke vapors with spicy dark rye bread notes and resinous junipered gin oils


Gotlandsdricka, or Gotlandsdricke, is the indigenous farmhouse ale of Gotland, the largest island in Sweden. A cousin to the Finnish Sahti, it's similarly kept alive by a handful of old men and very much in danger of dying off with them. Was taught how to make it by the head brewer at Nårke over the course of several, several beers where he made me run through several books he had with him a the bar despite the fact that a) they were in Swedish b) there were no pictures and c) I don't speak Swedish. Undeterred, he carried on and felt it was very important to discuss the tradition of brewing dricke and also that there are different sexes of juniper trees.Our version is deeply spicy with both malted and unmalted rye and a hefty addition of juniper but, while rich, finishes dry and fruity thanks to a large honey addition and a portion of malt Dave smoked by hand over pear wood in the backyard. ABV is deceptive and balances against the stonefruit sweetness of dark munich. At 9.5% it should leave you well prepared for the brave new world we're heading into or at least blissfully despondent. Just remember, vikings didn't have health insurance either. Gonna go ahead and guess lots of us won't anymore, so we have priced Class War accordingly. Brewing for the proletariat.